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"Miliblog" gives soldiers a voice
Browsing through my morning blogs I came
across a truly amazing website: Operation Truth. A non-profit, non-partisan
veterans' organization that “seeks to amplify the soldiers' voice in the
American public dialogue,” Operation Truth has been publishing news, veteran
resources as well as a group weblog (complete with RSS feed) by American combat
servicemen and women since October 2004. Founder Paul Rieckoff writes on the
website that “American servicemen and women have a voice that deserves to be
heard; the issues and hardships troops face merit attention. Additionally,
American troops have a distinct and important perspective that can influence
the American political scene in a powerful way.”
The blog, which provides unvarnished news
and opinion of the situation in combat zones, chiefly
"I felt like the American public was
really detached from the soldier's experience. And I wanted to find a new way
to try to utilize technology and utilize the soldier's experience to create a
visceral connection, so people could really see soldiers, see what they
experience, and get a sense for what they're really going through in Iraq and
when they come home."
The website is full of interesting information
and, judging from the number of comments, it has a fairly large readership.
Operation Truth is yet another excellent example of how blogs are being used to
shape opinion. Rieckoff should be applauded for recognizing a gap in the
opinion topography, and for seizing the opportunity to give servicemen and
women a voice in the ongoing debate about the U.S. military intervention in Afghanistan and Iraq. Whether you’re for or against, it’s required reading. //Billy McCormac
November 22, 2004 in Posts in English | Permalink
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Posted by: Vapetyptody at Apr 6, 2009 10:41:49 PM